Advice - Running Events

Vetting, Ban Lists, and Why You Can’t Completely Trust Them.

I have a ban list for my events, but it is not public. On the list are people that we, as a team, know have a history of abuse and harassment. All of us have been working in our community for a while and are respected, so people feel comfortable to disclose to us what […]

Advice - Running Events

Banning Policies: Why We Need Them

Whilst running rope events, we will inevitably come across dangerous people wanting to access our spaces. Whether in person or online, we need to set clear rules on conduct, and at the same time communicate openly your willingness to ban such people from your event. You’d think it would be that straight forward. But, sadly, […]

Advice - Running Events

Event Doxxing and Preserving Privacy

The latest talk circulating on kink social media (in the US at least) is how a very influential ultra conservative content creator doxxed a kink event, which lead to the pulling of public funding for the LGBTQ Centre it was operating in. I’m not American, but I don’t think we have to be to feel […]

Advice - Running Events

Advice Notes Regarding Keeping People Safer From Abusers At Events

One of the most challenging parts of running rope or kink based events is ensuring a degree of safety for the attendees and those working at our events. I have felt the pressure to conform to practices that have lead to people being harmed within the kink community and even at events themselves. I have […]

Advice - Running Events

Managing A Complaint Of Racism

No one likes to be called racist. Well, except those proud racists, but they often only hate one particular group of people (eg black people, “foreigners”, Jewish people, Muslims, etc) where colour, religion or ethnicity is specifically targeted in some way. Regardless, it is still bigoted to hate on another group of people. When people […]

Advice - Running Events

How To Run A Rope Event

I know, the title is a tad silly. Rope events vary hugely and “running” any event involves many facets working together. A follower sent me a message on Instagram this week asking about how to get started. He and his wife love rope but can’t find anything near them in India. So, I thought with […]

Advice - Running Events

Making Events Accessible To Differently Bodied People

As a “disabled” person myself, I have found it disheartening that so many rope and kink events are not accessible to differently bodied people. Covid disabled me, which has been quite a journey in of itself. Pre-covid, I hadn’t fully appreciated how important this issue is. I have tried my utmost to make my events […]

Advice - Running Events

Creating An Event That Is Inclusive To People Of Colour

By people of colour I mean people that are not white. Visually, people of colour have darker skin tones due to pigmentation in their skin. And yet, for centuries, the pigmentation in their skin has been enough to victimise, terrorise, enslave, demonise and abuse people of colour. In the wake of the murder of George […]