Advice - Your Rope

Rope Hurts

Like, really hurts most of the time. Some rope can be more decorative, kinda like a kinky fashion statement. But even that sort of rope carries risks and need careful negotiations to avoid harm. However, in the main, most people do rope to feel constrained, helpless and/or pain. Being held in rope, shifts the physche […]

Advice - Relationships

You Don’t Have to Bottom

You don’t have to do anything that you don’t want. No one should ever be pressured into an act or course of action. No one should be manipulated into being bound, hit, called names, dress a certain way, act a certain way, at all. Ever. Don’t do it. Without out consent, the freely given, enthusiastic, […]

Advice - Relationships

The Difference Between Abusers and Ethical Players

There’s a difference between abuse and ethical kink practice: it’s consent and fun and fulfilment, carried out with respect and honesty. A controlling and dominating abuser operates by stripping away the autonomy of their partner because of deeply held insecurities or anger, causing immeasurable pain and suffering. Dominance and submission dynamics are based on equality […]

Advice - Relationships

Romanticism and Rope

I have found there is a strong air of romanticism in some rope photography that I have seen. By romanticism, I do not mean the artistic period. I mean the feelings of romance and other worldliness of rope play, a step or two away from the reality of everyday life. Very often we see partially […]

Advice - Running Events

Advice Notes Regarding Keeping People Safer From Abusers At Events

One of the most challenging parts of running rope or kink based events is ensuring a degree of safety for the attendees and those working at our events. I have felt the pressure to conform to practices that have lead to people being harmed within the kink community and even at events themselves. I have […]

Advice - Relationships

There Must Always Be Consent

I often say that the difference between healthy kink and abuse is the presence of consent. In my Foundation classes and my books The Kink Embrace and New Bonds, I discuss the anatomy of consent because having this key knowledge is so important. We need to know what consent means to us and those we […]


New Bonds

New Bonds: A Relationship Coaching Toolkit for People Living Alternative Lifestyles New Bonds is a new person-centred approach to self-development and coaching toolkit for people living alternative lifestyles. Whether you are LGBTQ+, polyamorous, kinky, or want to explore your relationship preferences, this is the book for you. You will be invited to explore who you […]


Bristol Rope Space (POC friendly)

Mission Statement Bristol Rope Space aims to provide a safe inclusive environment for all people to access rope education and to practice their rope skills. The focus is on building fundamental skills and the development of safe, sane and consensual rope practice. This is a space to develop self awareness and express ourselves in rope […]


The Kink Embrace

The Kink Embrace is a valuable resource for anyone interested in kink or the kink lifestyle. The book explores the foundations of building kink experiences and relationships from an ethical and moral perspective. Each chapter goes into some depth of the common themes that kinky people encounter as they navigate the lifestyle. It covers fundamental […]

Advice - Your Rope

Racism in Rope

Is “Shibari” racist? What about kinbaku? What aspects of our rope practice, is in fact, racist? Shibari. Kinbaku. Alien words to most people. These are Japanese words from the Japanese culture of rope bondage. Shibari means knots in direct translation. Kinbaku means tight binding. I see so many people using these terms, even as their […]