Advice - Your Rope

Navigating Privacy

When we first join rope and kink spaces, we often feel very nervous. We don’t know what to expect nor how the people we meet may respond to us. We seek validation and acceptance of who we are, and perhaps people to play with. We often want to learn about the lifestyle and issues around […]

Advice - Running Events

Managing A Complaint Of Racism

No one likes to be called racist. Well, except those proud racists, but they often only hate one particular group of people (eg black people, “foreigners”, Jewish people, Muslims, etc) where colour, religion or ethnicity is specifically targeted in some way. Regardless, it is still bigoted to hate on another group of people. When people […]

Advice - Your Rope Rope Art

Petra Nexa: The Use of Rocks in Rope Bondage

When I moved into my home, I found a rose quartz in a pond in my garden. For a long while it decorated my kitchen window seal. Then I discovered rope and I found a new use for it. I saw many photos of similar stones being used in rope bondage. It is often used […]

Advice - Running Events

How To Run A Rope Event

I know, the title is a tad silly. Rope events vary hugely and “running” any event involves many facets working together. A follower sent me a message on Instagram this week asking about how to get started. He and his wife love rope but can’t find anything near them in India. So, I thought with […]

Advice - Running Events

Making Events Accessible To Differently Bodied People

As a “disabled” person myself, I have found it disheartening that so many rope and kink events are not accessible to differently bodied people. Covid disabled me, which has been quite a journey in of itself. Pre-covid, I hadn’t fully appreciated how important this issue is. I have tried my utmost to make my events […]

Advice - Relationships

Getting Aftercare Right

Aftercare refers to the care we provide to ourselves and to our partners with after playing with them. Top, bottom, switch, dominant, submissive, whatever, we are all entitled to be looked after in the moments after the scene and during the dropping part of the process which can last for up to a few days. […]

Advice - Your Rope

When You Untie…

I was recently asked a very good question by someone relatively new to rope, regarding how to manage the emotional impacts whilst untying a rope bottom. In that discussion, and in many similar ones with other people, it occurred to me just how little emphasis we put on the untying process. Which is sad. Because, […]

Advice - Your Rope

Your Version of Consent

I was in a class with DevynStone on building M/s relationships. He explained his process and at one point in discussing consent, he said how we all have our own consent. I love that! Whenever I’ve taught consent or gotten into those in depth discussions with people, I’m always mindful of just how each of us look […]

Advice - Your Rope

Jute Rope Maintenance Tips

I am sometimes asked how I maintain my jute rope. Below is a brief guide of processes I use and/or recommend. Washing Jute Either wash by hand, or place your ropes in a pillow case and use a washing machine on a cold cycle with a non biological detergent. The pillow case will prevent any […]

Advice - Your Rope

Is Your Rope Safe?

Rope play is only 100% safe when you are completely aware of all the risks of whatever you choose to do, and you mitigate as fully as possible against those risks, factoring in all possible circumstamces and accidents that could happen. This is not easy. Nigh on impossible to achieve, in fact. Rope tops and […]