Advice - Your Rope

Rope Is A Drug

Rope is a drug. It’s addictive. It’s mind altering, and can reveal hidden truths about yourself. It can tap into parts of your brain otherwise unexplored, show you what is possible and what you are capable of.

As a rope top or rope bottom your biochemistry changes in rope. Adrenaline, cortisol, endorphins are released into your system. Brain waves change. Senses become heightened. Time alters and the surroundings can no longer seem to exist. It’s just you and the rope, and (usually) the person/people you are with. It is often described as a transcendental experience.

Rope bottoms are often described as going into “sub-space”, which in my experience can take many forms. From drifting off but not quite sleeping, to becoming something not human, to primal energy. And all other possibilities in between.

Rope tops can enter a flow state, and similarly lose track of time and awareness of their surroundings. Topping can be equally mind altering and expose parts of our personality that might be taboo. Which comes with it’s own emotional toll.

Rope hurts. The pain can be immense to feel and to administer on someone. It can leave marks, so you need to discuss that beforehand. Rope pushes you physically and mentally into uncomfortable dispositions, if you want it to. Or it can be pain free and a pretty item of clothing or accessory to wear.

But, it is always like a drug. It needs to be handled with care. You can become “rope drunk” and find it difficult to comprehend what is going on or being said to you, and even unable to talk, walk, or drive. You can be in an altered state of mind for sometime after playing.

Taking too much of the rope drug too often will cause you harm. You can thirst for it and lose grip of reality and other important life commitments. You might take risks you wouldn’t otherwise take, trying something you are not ready for and/or with someone you are unsure of. You want to fix so bad, that it can feel impossible to resist, but you must.

Rope drop is tough. Your body can’t sustain the high for long, for its own sake, so it drops all the happy hormones and chemicals in your system. You may feel exhausted, emotional, feelings of guilt or shame, and pain. But eventually your body will reach a state of homeostasis, it’s natural state.

So, especially if you are new to rope, you would be very wise to go slow. Let the cycle of highs and drops and leveling out occur. You need to learn how to take care of yourself and communicate to your needs with people you tie with and have taken time to build trust. Trust is earned, not demanded.

With all it’s wonderful properties, you must never lose sight of the risks you take and need for careful planning of self care and the care of others. Have fun, but in moderation.

Dea Nexa

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